These modalities can speed up your recovery and help you heal at a profound level. I have discovered two modalities that greatly support the body/mind and are very valuable in addition to coaching with brainspotting/somatic experiencing. I recommend utilizing these other modalities alongside your coaching sessions with me. 1. Homeopathy with Lesley Jeffreys -
Homeopathy treats all of your symptoms at all levels of your being – spiritual, emotional, mental and physical. Homeopathy is recognized by the World Health Organization as the second largest therapeutic system in use in the world. The practice of Homeopathy is based upon science while its application is an art. Homeopathy will not interfere with medications you may be taking. If you would like to connect with Lesley you can schedule a free 15 minute video chat for you to discover how homeopathy can help you and your family.
Certain foods, if they do not support your five element energy makeup can cause aggravation of thoughts, anxiety, illness, etc. The Body Landscape session lets you know which specific foods your particular body makeup needs to promote a healthy mind and body and happier emotions, based on your personal five element energy.
Body Landscape will:
Reveal how your constitutional Five Element energy makeup affects your personality and emotions, and how these also can affect your health. Empower you to understand and take charge of your health, and stay healthy. The Body Landscape practitioner will provide a Personalized Lifetime Nutritional Program designed specifically for your body, removing foods that are harmful to you, and emphasizing the foods that best promote your health on all levels.
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ We are designed to be in regulation/homeostasis.
Our systems are designed to easily go from a state of being mobilized to a state of rest, and from the need to flee, fight or freeze to being regulated again.
When our environment isn't safe enough and we don't have the opportunity to allow our systems to resolve a traumatic situation within our nervous systems, we often live as if that situation is still a threat to our well being.
Understanding how the nervous system works, how we get stuck in a pattern of protection, defense or shut down and how to come back into regulation can be very empowering.
These videos explain the basics of the nervous system. Trauma and the Nervous System: A Polyvagal Perspective